Products & Services

We are expert in pumps and genset, with more than 30 years experience, we guarantee the most reliable products and engineering services.

Vertical turbine

Agriculture and irrigation Work, Municipal Work, Industrial Work, Constructions application
We are expertise in designing and producing pumps for professionals in agriculture and irrigation works, municipal works, industrial works and constructions; since, we the best technical solutions within a wide range of standard and customized products.

Our pumps can meet the vary requirements, as we ensure that the flow rate is up to 60,000 liters per minute (3,600 m3/h) and the head pressure is up to 20 meters. Pumps and engine are assembly either on steel baseplate for pump station or on trailer for mobility usage.

Mobile & Water Pump

Agriculture and irrigation Work, Municipal Work, Industrial Work, Constructions application
We are expertise in designing and producing pumps for professionals in agriculture and irrigation works, municipal works, industrial works and constructions; since, we the best technical solutions within a wide range of standard and customized products.

Our pumps can meet the vary requirements, as we ensure that the flow rate is up to 60,000 liters per minute (3,600 m3/h) and the head pressure is up to 20 meters. Pumps and engine are assembly either on steel baseplate for pump station or on trailer for mobility usage.
ออกแบบ ผลิต ติดตั้ง ซ่อมบำรุง ปั๊มน้ำ เครื่องสูบน้ำ เคลื่อนย้ายได้

Fire Fighting Pump System

Municipal Work, Industrial Work, Oil and Gas, High-rise Building Application
We are able to propose a broad range of standard solutions i.e. NFPA-20, UL, FM. Fire pumps can be powered by electric motor, diesel engine or hybrid system. The pump intake is either connected to the public underground water supply piping, or a static water source (e.g., tank, reservoir, lake). The pump provides water flow at a higher pressure to the sprinkler system riser and hose standpipes.
โรงงานออกแบบ ผลิต ติดตั้ง ซ่อมบำรุง ปั๊มน้ำ ปั๊มดับเพลิง เครื่องสูบน้ำ


Emergency power-supply supports main failure or lack of electricity supply.
Set sizes range of 30 kW (single phase) for homes, small shops and offices with the larger industrial generators from 8 kW (11 kVA) up to 2,000 kW (2,500 kVA three phase) used for large office buildings, factories, skyscrapers, hospitals, and hotels.

Genset with automatic controller such as Deepsea, Comap controller.
ออกแบบ ผลิต ติดตั้ง ซ่อมบำรุง เครื่องปั่นไฟ เจนเนอเรเตอร์

Propeller Pump

Designed to be used for drainage, irrigation and controlling of water direction system. Municipal Work Application
Propeller Pumps, designed to be used for drainage, irrigation and controlling of water direction system in maximum flow rate 90,000 liters per minute, consist of a hydraulic power unit with outdoor type canopy, a propeller and a buoy. The power unit drives a submersible hydraulic motor. The propeller is stainless steel and the blades, having a large width thin profile with a smooth surface, are backswept. This gives a highly efficient and clog-free operation. The buoy makes from SS400 steel in JIS standard with rustproof coating.
ออกแบบ ผลิต จำหน่าย ติดตั้งเครื่องผลักดันน้ำ

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